Beer die is a drinking game that is commonly played among college students. The game is also known as snappa.
All you need for the game is a table, dice, four cups, and beer. The game is often played on a pong table.
Number Of Players
2 or 4.
Game Length
10-15 minutes is the average length of a game.
Love Dice? Love Beer? Why not have both!
Players will separate typically into teams of two, standing on the same side of the table as their partner. This game can also be played one-on-one. The goal of the game is to land the die into the opponent's cup or to have the die bounce off the table and the opponents fail to catch it. Cups are placed at the corners of each table, but not close enough to where it is in jeopardy of falling off.
To start, fill each cup with beer with 12 ounces of beer. You can also play with just water, or drink beer out of the can separately. Roll a die, and whichever team rolls higher gets to either go first or choose which side they prefer. If you are playing winner stays, have the previously winning team shoot first. Decide whether you want to play seated, or standing.
The shooting team will throw their die in the area, above an agreed-upon height, and attempt to sink the die in the cup or hit the table. An agreed-upon height is within a foot of the ceiling if played indoors, or about 8 feet. Die are intended to be thrown one at a time, this is not a speed game. The defending team must wait for the opponents to both shoot before shooting back.
The die must land on the opponent’s side of the table, it cannot hit your side of the table and then bounce off. The defending team will try and catch the die prior to it hitting the ground. The defending team is only allowed to use one hand, and may not use their body parts to assist in catching the die. However, it still counts if you bobble the die and still catch it. You may not reach over the table to grab a die, it must be off the plain off the table when you make the catch.
During the game, you are not allowed to use the words five or seven. You may refer to five as buzz, and seven as bizz. If you break this rule, you must drink. When drinking in this game, both teammates drink. Opponents may attempt to trick you, such as asking what time it is, or what the score is.
The game can be scored either by drinking, points or both.
Example of a scoring system:
- 1 point if the die hits the table, and the defending team fails to catch it.
- 2 points if the die bounces off a cup, then goes off the table without being caught.
- 3 points if the die is sunk in the cup.
In classic beer die, you do not get extra points. You only get points in one-point increments.
Games are often played to 5, 7 or 11, win by 2. Make sure to establish what you are playing before the game starts.
In the drinking version of this game, drinks are finished when the dice are made in the cup. This is known as a “sink”. However, the game is not over. Grab another beer, and fill your cup up. To raise the stakes, after sinking a die, roll it. If you roll a five, both opponents have to chug a beer.
If at any point you knock your own drink over, you automatically lose the game. Don’t be clumsy!
When to drink
- If you do not throw the die on the opponent’s side
- If you miss the table
- If the die hits the ceiling
- If you lose a die
- If you don’t throw the die far enough
- If the die lands with a 5 showing
- If your opponents hit your cup
- If you throw out of turn
- If you say five or seven
Have a referee. There are often judgment calls needed, such as if a dice was thrown high enough.
Partners should be selected based on a variety of factors: the ability to handle their beer, reflex skills, and ability to throw the dice well.
This is a good way to start the night. Drinking this much beer can be very filling.
If you have multiple teams, consider playing winner stays. If you have a lot of people, consider playing tournament style.
Interested in other Dice Games? Check out our Ultimate List of Dice Games.